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Mishcon advise Synechron on acquisition of Citihub Digital

Posted on25 November 2020

Mishcon de Reya has advised digital transformation consultancy Synechron Holdings Inc, on the acquisition of London and New York based technical consulting firm, Citihub Digital.

The acquisition of Citihub expands Synechron's existing capabilities and strength in areas across the digital enterprise, and brings to Synechron the benefit of Citihub's experience and focus on application modernisation, cloud enablement, cybersecurity and operating model transformation. Synechron’s innovation work and Citihub’s stellar competencies will lead to continued growth for the combined firms specifically in key financial markets including North America, Europe and APAC.

Following completion, Synechron and Citihub will service many of the biggest names in financial services, including nine of the top 10 global banks.

Faisal Husain, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Synechron comments: "This acquisition continues to build on our depth of expertise in Digital Transformation consulting for financial services and insurance firms. Yet again, the Mishcon team demonstrated a seamless approach to advising us and guiding us through this acquisition, which is a significant step in our development, showcasing their market knowledge and M&A expertise at every stage.”

Ross Bryson, Corporate Partner at Mishcon de Reya who led the deal comments: "This is now the third acquisition on which Mishcon has advised Synechron and we continue to be extremely impressed with the strategic growth and acquisitive nature of the business. We are very much looking forward to working with Synechron in the future."

Synechron is a leading Digital Transformation Consulting firm for financial services, providing innovative solutions to the financial services industry through three main business focus areas: Digital, Business Consulting, and Technology. Based in New York, Synechron has 18 offices around the world, with over 8,000 employees producing over $550m in annual revenue.

Ross Bryson with Alex Green and Karine Bennamara led the Mishcon Corporate deal team, with assistance from John Skoulding and Laurence Jacobson; David Cummings and Chris Breaks (Employment); Caroline Nye-Wilkins (Incentives); Martyn Hann, Stefania Littleboy and Oliver Millichap (Commercial/IP); and Nigel Jones (Arc Pensions).

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