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"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one most adaptable to change." - On The Origin of Species

Mishcon Purpose works with our clients to help them engage confidently with the increasingly complex, urgent and regulated challenges at the intersection of business, government and society. We help them to adapt successfully to change. We are a passionate team, with a broad portfolio working in business, biodiversity, climate change and human rights. 

We advise corporates, boards and leaders on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues and evolving directors' duties, combining lawyers and sustainability professionals to develop sustainability strategies and governance frameworks, and then to implement them – integrating specialist lawyers on key issues including incentives, supply chains, reputation and greenwashing, equity and inclusion, and regulatory compliance.  

We litigate to address social and environmental harms, to obtain justice for communities and other claimants, and to drive strategic change to address systemic challenges to society and the environment. 

Through our extensive international experience, we enable clients to cut through the complexity surrounding ESG and address specific challenges. 

The importance of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues continues to grow, representing the risks, opportunities and impacts that impact a business's ability to create and protect value. 

Increasingly, businesses are recognising that a legally led approach to sustainability strategy is required to meet the rising tide of ESG regulations and civil society’s demands for accountability. This is why we created the Mishcon Purpose Universal Framework, a purpose-led tool which helps businesses devise and embed sustainability into their corporate strategy with integrity. 

The Mishcon Purpose Framework builds on current regulatory regimes and trends, international codes and frameworks and best corporate practice. It sets a global standard for ESG governance and provides a unified approach to considering and providing ESG-related advice of any kind, in every industry and group company. From identifying appropriate voluntary reporting standards to developing stakeholder management protocols, the Framework helps businesses to ensure that they are fit for purpose today and tomorrow. 

Key services include: 

  • Legal and regulatory review and forecasting 
  • ESG-ready corporate profiling 
  • Double-materiality assessment 
  • ESG strategy 
  • ESG policies and governance frameworks 
  • Greenwash risk assessment 

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Today, more is expected of businesses than ever before, with their role and impact on society increasingly under the microscope. Environmental and social issues are driving new needs in the market, new stakeholder expectations, new legal and regulatory frameworks, and redefined business success metrics. 

The principles of good governance have never been more important as stakeholders expect, and demand, more from business leaders. Good governance doesn’t just mitigate risk or protect reputation – it adds tangible value by creating investment opportunities and improving access to financial, social, and cultural capital. 

Our expertise helps organisations achieve strong corporate governance, putting the business in a stronger position to build morale, retain talent, meet strategic objectives, and shape decisions, ensuring strong competitive advantage. 

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Mishcon Purpose delivers training to boards. These briefings are tailored to specific organisations and industry sectors, enabling business leaders and directors to understand emerging regulatory standards and best practices, and to make the best decisions for their business, taking account of both its dependencies and impacts on society.  

Topics include: 

  • The changing nature of value and fiduciary duty  
  • The evolving landscape of sustainability-related regulation and litigation 
  • Rising mandatory due diligence and disclosure obligations 
  • Issue-specific briefings on key ESG topics, including climate change, biodiversity, supply chain resilience, health and safety standards, employment and HR considerations, compensation, rewards and incentives, bribery prevention, greenwashing, anti-money laundering 
  • A systemic approach to integrating sustainability into core strategy and governance 

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Mishcon Purpose’s litigation team is focused on identifying, building and sourcing funding for claims that address social and environmental harms to obtain justice for communities and other claimants, and to drive strategic change to address systemic challenges to society and the environment. 

We focus on four core themes: 

  • Climate 
  • Environment 
  • Human rights 
  • Governance 

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A commitment to social value 

Our commitment to social value extends beyond our client work. Our firm actively engages in pro bono work, community initiatives, and thought leadership in the field of social impact. We believe in walking the talk, and our commitment to operating as a Responsible Business is woven into the fabric of our firm's values. Click here to find out more about Mishcon de Reya's commitment to Responsible Business.

With our blend of legal excellence, strategic insight, and a genuine commitment to social good, we would be pleased to hear more about your impact - please get in touch

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