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Reshaping Businesses and Relationships

The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic across the world is yet to be assessed. Public health restrictions mean many companies are currently unable to return to "business as usual". Many businesses will have to address challenges that would have seemed inconceivable a year ago, as they face the resulting liquidity and solvency issues brought about by the disruption.

Meeting these challenges requires:

  • Early intervention to maximise the chances of achieving the best possible solution.
  • Deep involvement of expert advisors and rapid turnaround.


We are a team of collaborative and highly experienced specialists with deep business understanding and experience.

Harnessing our broad advisory capability coupled with best-in-class specialists in transactional and contentious areas enables us to deliver highly innovative and commercial solutions to stressed and distressed businesses.

With business restructuring hubs both in London and Singapore, our expertise includes corporate reorganisation, debt restructuring, managing leverage and lenders, reworking commercial lending arrangements, capital raising, commercial contract renegotiation, real estate and other asset disposal, lease renegotiation, and dealing with employment issues.

Supported by specialist lawyers and brand experts, we provide a breadth of capabilities for helping clients navigate the different aspects of complex commercial problems.

When things go wrong, we bring to the table deep expertise in insolvency litigation and in acting for shareholders and directors across the spectrum of the commercial, regulatory, criminal and reputational challenges that may be precipitated by a business insolvency.

Our approach

Assess: undertake an independent situational assessment that outlines the implications for both the business and the individuals within it.

Solve: clarify objectives, consider options and develop potential solutions.

Deliver: deploy the best advisory, transactional and/or contentious skills to achieve the best possible results.

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