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Alexander Rhodes on ESG, SRI and Impact Investing in Tatler Experts' Corner

Posted on 8 February 2021

The article explores how one can prepare the next generation for money, exploring themes of mental wellbeing, family dynamics and conflict.

Alexander Rhodes shared his advice on moving traditional investments to greener ones. In his words, "Setting and achieving financial goals is one of the most important matters for most families. But rarely is it their only, or indeed principal concern. Families often have their own set of values, which bind individuals and generations together and underpin a common sense of identity and purpose. Critical for wealth planning, these develop over time, and allow families to take a longer-term view of what matters to them. Increasingly, wealthy families are considering more closely their role in society, and the impact that their capital allocation decisions may have on the environment and communities."

To read the full article, click here.

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