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Tsinghua University visits Mishcon

Posted on 22 January 2020

On Friday 17 January, we were pleased to welcome a delegation of faculty and students from Tsinghua University.

The delegation was welcomed by Gary Miller, Mishcon's Head of Asia Desk, with Partners Charlie Sosna and Steven Bostock presenting on UK taxation and immigration issues and Xijia Zhang outlining what Chinese entrepreneurs can expect when investing in the UK. Dr Alastair Moore also gave an overview of Mishcon's investment in AI and blockchain technology.  

Professors Nie and Gao presented on recent developments at Tsinghua University, emphasising the innovative and global outlook of the institution. Tsinghua has recently established a new Institute for Studies on Artificial Intelligence and Law (THUIAIL) bringing together professors from different faculties, and a master's programme in Computation Law and AI. Students from the delegation also presented on innovations in the Chinese judicial system, including China's three Internet Courts in Beijing, Guangshou and Hangzhou.

We look forward to meeting with representatives of Tsinghua University on our next visit to China.


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