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The Things That Matter

Issue 1: July 2023

The Things That Matter

Editor's note

Victoria Pigott, Partner, Mishcon Private

The Things That Matter provides you with valuable insights, updates, and analysis on the developments in the family office landscape. In this newsletter series, we address the varied and often complex issues faced by family offices and family businesses we advise regularly. Whether our clients have personal wealth, business ventures, or property interests in multiple jurisdictions and sectors, their ultimate goal remains the same: preserving their wealth for the benefit of their families and philanthropic endeavours.

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People standing at window in corporate building

Top tips for good governance in family business

Family businesses are vital to the UK economy, an contribute hundreds of billions to the UK GDP. They have unique advantages including shared values, enduring trust, and a central commitment to the long term future of the business. However, like any other business they must also consider the challenges that confront them, and for a family run business, clear and sustainable governance can sometimes be a key challenge.

Laptop on top of books

Family offices: maintaining a banking facility in the UK

In July, the application of anti-money laundering and financial crime rules became a political and regulatory focus of UK press attention following the decision of one bank to close the accounts of a high-profile former politician. Families, whether politically linked or not, often face questions about the origins of their wealth, their associates and the structures which hold that wealth.


The rise of APP fraud

Authorised push payment (APP) fraud is nothing new. Every year, thousands of individuals and businesses fall victim to APP fraud and tricked into making a payment to a fraudster believing that it is going somewhere entirely legitimate.


Growing impact of women in Family Offices

Historically, family businesses and wealth were largely passed down to male heirs, typically raised surrounded by the decision making of business and investment from an early age.


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