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Editor's note

Posted on 11 November 2021

Daniel Naftalin - Mishcon de Reya

Welcome to our November 2021 edition of Employment Matters, our round up of key developments in employment law and issues that matter to employers and HR professionals.

In this edition we highlight recent notable developments and themes, covering a range of topics including sexual harassment, Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) regulations and gender critical beliefs. Return to work issues have been challenging employers since the relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions in the summer, and we highlight points for businesses to bear in mind, including vaccinations and dealing with new ways of working.

With diversity and inclusion remaining high on the business agenda, we look at the positive action steps that employers may take to foster diversity and inclusion in their workplace, and also highlight the impact the pandemic has had on gender pay gap reporting. Bereavement is one of the most common factors that affect employee performance, and we discuss how businesses are progressively focusing on how best to support employees who suffer baby or pregnancy loss. Our Incentives team looks at the imminent introduction of the new single remuneration regime for FCA investment firms and our Immigration team highlights the right to work issues for EU nationals who haven't made an EU Settlement Scheme application.

This is also an exciting time of development for the Mishcon Employment team. Our strategic combination with Taylor Vinters offers expanded employment law capabilities, including the innovative ONE HR offering which provides you with integrated international employment law support whenever and wherever you need it.

You can read the latest updates in our latest Employment Matters publication.

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