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Editor's Note

Posted on 30 June 2021

Sally Britton, Partner, Dispute Resolution

Welcome to the Summer edition of Brand Matters.

We have now passed the six-month anniversary of the end of the Brexit transition period. Against the backdrop of COVID-19, brands are continuing to navigate a vast range of regulatory and commercial issues as the UK/EU trading relationship develops.

Do take a look at our retail-focused overview of the first six months post-Brexit which discusses a range of issues impacting the sector in more detail.

One key upcoming date to note is the deadline relating to EU trade mark or design applications that were pending on 31 December 2020. UK applications for these trade marks or designs must be filed at the UK Intellectual Property Office by 30 September 2021 in order to maintain the priority date of the relevant EU application.

Another key Brexit-related issue discussed in this edition of Brand Matters is the Government's much-anticipated consultation in relation to parallel trade and exhaustion of IP rights, and the appropriate regime for the UK to apply going forward. The consultation closes at the end of August 2021 and raises a number of challenging policy issues.

Aside from Brexit, we focus also on a range of developments of interest across brand-owning businesses, ranging from developments in advertising regulation to the potential regulatory burden of the Online Safety Bill.

Finally, you may have also seen our announcement last week that MDR Brand Management, our brand management business, has launched a global esports and interactive entertainment division, NIVO Management. The new division has been set up in response to growing demand for player-centric management that is transparent and free from conflicts of interest.

Thanks again to the contributors to this edition. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I have.

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