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Bereavement: Supporting employees through baby or pregnancy loss

Posted on 2 September 2021

Laura Penny and Jessica Wicker have contributed to the latest edition of Employment Law Journal. The article looks at employees' rights if they experience a miscarriage or stillbirth, and considers some of the options available to employers looking to go beyond their statutory obligations.

"We are all seeing an increasing focus on work-life balance and growing recognition of how people’s personal and work lives intertwine. When employers commit to helping people with personal matters, they are not only supporting the emotional wellbeing of their employees but also protecting their talent. Perhaps in an ideal world every employer would offer a tailored and individual approach to anyone going through baby or pregnancy loss, rather than relying solely on a standardised approach, but that is sometimes not possible.

Raising awareness and introducing policies dealing with these issues are an important starting point. This will hopefully lead to positive changes for an increasing number of employers and their employees."

Read the full article here.

This piece was first published by Employment Law Journal, September 2021.

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