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Giving visibility and support to the LGBTQIA+ community

Mishcon de Reya has an active Pride Network which is made up of individuals from across the firm as well as clients and contacts.

The Network provides opportunities for LGBTQIA+ people and allies to network, cross-refer, and provide mutual support, as well as collaborate on a variety of initiatives and events.

Organised by our Pride Steering Committee, the Network aims to promote and support the LGBTQIA+ community both inside and outside of the Firm.

To join or learn more about the Pride Network, get in touch with our Committee Co-Chairs below.

Mishcon pride march sign

"The long-standing Pride Network is testament to Mishcon de Reya's approach to diversity and inclusivity. We're both delighted to be the Network's Co-Chairs and to continue the support it has provided to LGBTQIA+ people across the firm and beyond. The Network is open to everyone (including allies) and we look forward to building the Network further with the addition of colleagues from Taylor Vinters."

- Michael Clarke, Mishcon Pride Co-Chair


Our Pride Steering Committee  

Our Pride Steering Committee works with our other inclusion committees to drive forward our wider EDI Strategy. 

The Committee organises the Network's regular events both internally and externally, including theatre trips, attendance at Pride events and a variety of speaker events on LGBTQIA+ topics.  

We're also proud to support BFI Flare, London's annual film festival showcasing the best new LGBTQIA+ cinema and highlighting LGBTQIA+ issues around the world 

In addition, the Network has an internal mentoring scheme to support our EDI objective of ensuring that LGBTQIA+ talent at Mishcon de Reya is supported and thrives.   

Sophie Wood

Mishcon Pride Co-Chair

Hannah Myers

Mishcon Pride Co-Chair

Michael Clarke

Mishcon Pride Co-Chair

Mark Reading

LGBTQIA+ Strand Lead

Steven Bostock
Matthew Carpenter
Cassie godfrey headshot
Cassie Godfrey
Lillie Hempsell
Lizzi Horner
Georgia Humphrey
George Irving
Henry Olsen
Henry Olsen
Maria Patsalos
Emma Woollcott

Services for the LGBTQIA+ community 

More than a decade ago, we launched Pink Law in conjunction with the Legal Advice Centre of the School of Law at Queen Mary, University of London. This service offers advice to clients on legal issues including discrimination, civil partnership formation and dissolution, cohabitation, immigration, wills and probate, and hate crime.

Find more information about how we have supported our LGBTQIA+ clients.  

A heritage of championing equality 

We have long been committed to ensuring and promoting equality and diversity.

It has now been 75 years since our founder Lord Mishcon sat on the Wolfenden Committee, that in 1957 recommended homosexual behaviour between consenting adults in private no longer be a criminal offence.

Its recommendations eventually led to the Sexual Offences Act 1967, which partially decriminalised homosexuality. 

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Embracing a diverse and inclusive culture.

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