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Public Consultation Responses

As a Firm with a long history of involvement and expertise in public affairs, we have responded to many invitations to contribute to public consultations and calls for evidence, including from the European Commission, the UK Government and various independent bodies.

The consultation responses we have provided include:

We have also:

  • Participated in the Commonhold Council through the appointment of Philip Freedman, our consultant and former chairman, as a nominated representative of the Law Society.  The Commonhold Council is advising the Government on implementing a reformed commonhold regime, bringing forward solutions to prepare homeowners and the market for the widespread take up of commonhold for blocks of flats.
  • Contributed to a response to the Civil Justice Council remote hearings rapid review
  • Participated in responses to consultations on IP practice and procedure through membership of committees within organisations such as the Intellectual Property Lawyers Association and the International Trademark Association
  • Contributed to a response to the call for review on Disclosure Pilot Scheme (“Disclosure Pilot”)
  • Submitted joint evidence, with the Queen Mary Legal Advice Centre, to the Public Bill Committee on the Online Safety Bill. These submissions were made on behalf of victims of image-based sexual abuse (or "revenge porn"), and form part of a project that we have been working on with QMLAC to consider how the Online Safety Bill can be drafted so as to best protect such victims.
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