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Zac O'Brien - Mishcon de Reya

Zac O'Brien on #MyDyslexiaStory for the British Dyslexia Association

Posted on 25 October 2022

Managing Associate Zac O'Brien has been featured in a #MyDyslexiaStory feature by the British Dyslexia Association.

In the interview, Zac discussed his diagnosis at a young age and the support he received, his career in law and the role dyslexia has played, and why he believes that embracing neurodiversity and the skill sets it brings can be cause for success.

He commented: "When I was about to start my career, I was nervous about disclosing my dyslexia. However, I am pleased to have found everyone to be very supportive, both in terms of my colleagues and clients. My work has helped me with strategies, and these have needed to change as I have become more senior in my career.

I have found that my dyslexia can help me analyse information from a different vantage point. In my experience working collaboratively with people who look at issues from different perspectives can be really powerful. A team formed of a diverse group of individuals can come up with some interesting and creative solutions.

I hope that people with dyslexia who work in different industries start talking about their experiences, as this will hopefully encourage more people with dyslexia to follow their dreams and give them the confidence that they can pursue a wide variety of careers."

Read the piece in full.

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