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Susan Freeman in Urban Land Institute article on how COVID-19 will reshape real estate

Posted on 9 March 2021. Source: Urban Land Institute

Real Estate Partner Susan Freeman contributed to an Urban Land Institute article which considered how the COVID-19 pandemic will reshape expectations, practices, and technologies in the long run; the changing relationship between building owners and tenants; the potential effects on providers of shared and flexible office environments; and other trends.

Susan commented "A lot of the changes we're seeing in the real estate industry started well before COVID-19, but for many companies, the pandemic has accelerated these trends. I think once everyone has had the vaccine, people will feel safe living in cities again and riding pubic transport, but people won't be commuting in the same way they did before."

The other expert contributors included Boudewijn Ruitenburg of EDGE Technologies, Antony Slumbers of Real Innovation Academy, Charlie Kuntz of Hines, Ronen Journo of Hines and members of Urban Land Institute's European Technology and Real Estate Council.

Click here to read the article (subscription required).

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