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Robert Hines for eprivateclient on "Preventing surveillance following relationship breakdowns"

Posted on 17 December 2021

Robert Hines, Managing Associate in the Family Team, wrote an article in eprivateclient on surveillance following the breakdown of relationships - an issue prevalent in the digital age, where our data and online profiles are often susceptible to attack and misuse. 

Robert referred to a recent high-profile case, where the ruler of Dubai was found by the English family court to have 'authorised' the hacking of his wife's phone during family proceedings on no less than 11 occasions. 

He wrote: 

“This [above] case is not an isolated incident and there have been no shortage of issues arising from the use of digital technologies in Family Law cases, whether it be because information or documentation has been obtained electronically by one party without their partner's knowledge or consent, or owing to digital harassment, whether it be by using a partner's account to send abusive messages to third parties, cyber-stalking, spoofing (the act of disguising a communication from an unknown source as being from a known, trusted source) or otherwise.” 

Later in the piece, Robert examined in more detail the practical steps which can be taken to guard against surveillance, as well as the court options available when issues do arise. 

Click here to read the full article (subscription required). 

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