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Tax Aware

Issue 10: November 2019

Tax Aware
The evolving landscape of IR35 disputes

The evolving landscape of IR35 disputes

The recent decisions of Paya Limited and others [2019] UKFTT 583 and Christa Ackroyd [2019] UKUT 0326 have shed further light on the application of the IR35 legislation.

PPR: Good news for off-plan purchasers

PPR: Good news for off-plan purchasers

In Higgins v Revenue and Customs [2019] EWCA Civ 1860, the Court of Appeal reversed the earlier findings which limited principal private residence relief (PPR) where there was a delay between completion and occupation.

Back to back sales prevent VAT TOGC relief

Back to back sales prevent VAT TOGC relief

In The General Distribution Storage Ltd [2019] TC 07352, the Tribunal discussed the application of the VAT relief available to a qualifying "transfer of a business as a going concern" (TOGC relief) in respect of a series of immediately consecutive transfers.


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