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Nicola Simmons ranked in 2022 eprivateclient Top 35 Under 35

Posted on5 September 2022

Nicola Simmons, Managing Associate in Private, has been included in eprivateclient Top 35 Under 35 list for 2022.

Eprivateclient notices Nicola's "broad practice areas combine advising on both corporate tax and personal tax matters for individuals, families, trusts companies and other legal entities, whether based in the UK or overseas."

One nominator said: “Nicola has a focussed yet friendly and approachable manner, and firmly believes that tax can, and should, be communicated in practical, simple terms.”

The Top 35 Under 35 is designed to identify, recognise, introduce and promote the rising stars of the private wealth advisory sector. Career progression, the quality and extensiveness of nominations and the seniority of who made the nomination and what that person said are some of the criteria used to identify the individuals.

Click here to see the full listing of Top 35 Under 35 – women.

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