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How to address bias and discrimination in AI systems

Posted on 27 July 2023

While the focus of the European Commission's proposed EU AI Act is not explicitly to avoid bias and discrimination, it effectively addresses this point by focusing on explainability and transparency.

Without steps being taken to ensure that the AI system's lifecycle is well documented and satisfies the core requirements of transparency, bias may creep in unnoticed, and potentially expose creators and users alike to the risk of discrimination claims.

In this online session, Associates in the Employment team at Mishcon de Reya, Daniel Gray and Dami Ewedemi, explain how to:

  • Ensure confidential information remains confidential
  • Ensure intellectual property created by employees is owned by your business
  • Safeguard against former employees seeking employment with your competitors
  • Explore the EU AI Act and its requirements for creators and users of AI
  • Assess the risks associated with failing to ensure that your AI system is free from bias

Watch the webinar here.

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