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Gina Miller’s Brexit victory is a triumph of democracy over politics

Gina Miller’s Brexit victory is a triumph of democracy over politics

Posted on 4 November 2016. Source: The Guardian, Comment is Free

Emily Nicholson and Katy Colton, lawyers at Mishcon de Reya who represent Gina Miller in her case against the government regarding the triggering of Article 50, explain why the court's decision is a triumph of democracy over politics.

On Thursday Gina Miller won her case against the British government in the high court. The court agreed with her that the government acting alone cannot trigger Article 50 – the mechanism by which the UK starts the process of leaving the EU.

Many people, including the national press, have characterised this ruling as a subversion of democracy and a violation of the will of the people. The truth is the opposite.

Read the full article here

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