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The funding landscape for impact: VC and beyond


Join us for our next Impact Investment event, The funding landscape for impact: VC and beyond.

Thanks to the success of our last two events themed around diversity in impact investment and unpicking the key insights from our latest impact investment report, we are pleased to host a new discussion, themed around the funding landscape for impact ventures, including impact-aligned venture capital, venture philanthropy, innovative grant funding and more.

In our next discussion, we will unlock financing routes and examine the power of impact-driven projects to accelerate their delivery of financial and impact returns. Whether you are a startup founder, an aspiring entrepreneur, or a funder or investor with a passion for making a difference, this discussion is a place for conversations on the evolving world of impact finance, how impact investing is changing VC and what alternative funding avenues are available to amplify social and environmental change.

Joining us will be several members of Mishcon Future. Together they will share their invaluable insights on navigating the complexities of funding impact ventures and looking closely at the emerging options available within impact finance.

Key event highlights:

  • An overview of the funding landscape for impact ventures, the emerging trends, key considerations and obstacles, and the potential to drive positive change.
  • Insights from impact finance experts and a chance to learn from their experience of funding strategies and criteria for selecting impact-driven ventures.
  • Exploring alternative funding sources, including grants, social enterprise and other loans, and crowdfunding and philanthropic sources to diversify the routes of financial support for impact ventures.
  • The opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who can share their own experience of seeking, delivering or advising on impact finance to back impact-driven entrepreneurs and ventures.
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