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FATCA - Is Privacy catching up? A lesson from recent court cases


Join us on Tuesday 7 December at 5pm to explore the latest developments in the recent FATCA court cases and hear what they mean for individual's data privacy rights.

Partners Filippo Noseda and Adam Rose will discuss the case they are leading on behalf of their client Jenny, a US-born, UK resident who has become well-known for her ongoing challenge to the way the UK has allowed her personal financial data to be shared with the US authorities, under FATCA.

This session, chaired by Senior Business Development Manager Eleanor Chuck, will also include:

  • An update on the current status of data litigation in the English and European courts and some of the current thinking around using data as part of an all-round strategy.
  • An overview of FATCA, the CRS and other transparency measures. 
  • Practical guidance on effective FATCA implementation and a discussion on how to identify obligations and the required actions to be taken.

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