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Antonia Felix

Antonia Felix for Tatler on cryptocurrency use to conceal wealth

Posted on 25 October 2022

Antonia Felix was interviewed by Tatler on how increasing numbers of wealthy individuals are concealing the true extent of their wealth by concealing their ownership of cryptocurrency assets during divorce proceedings.

Antonia told Tatler that, due to its relative anonymity and freedom from internal regulations, tracing cryptocurrency can be notoriously tricky. For individuals involved in a divorce, they can be an effective method of hiding and, therefore, retaining wealth.

She commented: "Although cryptocurrencies should be disclosed as part of the divorce process in the same way as any other asset, it can be easier for a dishonest spouse to hide or dissipate these assets than is the case with more 'conventional' transactions. Unless there is evidence of an initial investment, it can be practically difficult to prove that someone has an interest in cryptocurrency during a divorce."

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