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International Fraud Group

The International Fraud Group began in London in 1997. Established by Mishcon de Reya, it was a specific response to a client’s needs. An international bank wanted to instruct the most experienced investigative lawyers practising in each jurisdiction, who shared their asset recovery know-how with each other, worked relentlessly to recover stolen assets and understood how to manage the risk and costs of international asset recovery. This one-off alliance has become a permanent global network.

Today, we are an elite group of highly skilled lawyers across more than 40 firms in 53 jurisdictions that have succeeded in recovering hundreds of millions of pounds. We are fraud specialists equipped with everything it takes to trace, freeze, seize and recover stolen assets. We can locate the fraudsters, assets or evidence – no matter where it may be.

We understand that pursuing fraudsters requires us to stay one step ahead. Using civil injunctions - including freezing orders, search orders and disclosure orders, we can get in front of a judge without notice to the fraudsters. Once we have obtained asset freezing, evidence preservation and information disclosure orders, the fraudsters have to respond.

Through our global network, we have access to the best investigators, forensic accountants, IT experts, industry experts and communication specialists in every jurisdiction to support what we do.

As one of the leading global asset recovery groups, we use our knowledge and expertise to support pro-bono work and give back. We also support the asset recovery industry by delivering an International Asset Tracing & Recovery Course with Queen Mary University for Commercial Law Studies and Blackstone Chambers.

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