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Alice Holmes

Communications Director (jobshare)

Personal Profile

Alice and Clare are jointly responsible for media, internal communications, public affairs and digital communications for Mishcon.

Together, they have an extensive track record in leading strategic communications, campaigns, media and public affairs in high profile and influential organisations including Parliament, government and the third sector.

Prior to joining Mishcon, they were Director of Communications for the House of Commons 2018-2024 leading communications through a historic period of change and reform in Parliament. They developed and delivered strategic communications in response to a hung Parliament and the Brexit votes of 2019, a prorogation, a general election, a new Speaker, four State Openings, five recalls, a ‘hybrid’ Commons during the Covid pandemic, the Lying-in-State of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and President Zeleknsky’s address to both Houses of Parliament. They also managed highly sensitive communications relating to Parliamentary standards and privilege. 

Previously Alice and Clare worked in senior communications roles in the Civil Service (including the Cabinet Office, DEFRA, the Department of Health and the Home Office).

They are Mishcon’s first job share partnership.

Career History

Communications Director, Mishcon de Reya LLP
Director of Communications, House of Commons
Senior Civil Service
MSc Birkbeck, University of London
BSc (Econ) London School of Economics

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