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UK Consultation opened on extending the Ivory Act to other species

Posted on 29 July 2021

The Ivory Act was given Royal Assent on 20 December 2018. During the Parliamentary passage of the Ivory Bill, the Government committed to gather evidence on this issue and published a call for evidence in May 2019. The responses indicated that the circumstances in relation to the UK market for ivory from each of the species under consideration differ from those relating to elephant ivory and from each other. In response to the views expressed and evidence submitted a new consultation was opened on 17 July 2021 and will close on 11 September 2021. 

Globally, governments continue to review laws governing domestic ivory trade. On 23 July, Environment and Climate Change Canada launched a 60-day consultation period to garner feedback from Canadians on a potential revised approach to elephant ivory trade in Canada. 

As we understand the context for reform and actively participate in this discussion, we will be working with our conservation partners and making a submission to the UK Government's consultation. 

In our view, the fundamental questions that the Consultation should be dealing with include:

  • What will be the impact on the conservation of other species?
  • What will be the impact on enforcement and efficacy of including other species in the Act?
  • What will be the impact on the business environment in trading in ivory of these species?
  • What might be the impact on rural economies and livelihoods where other species exist?

If you have any comments or would like to discuss any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

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