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Tom Grogan - Mishcon de Reya

Tom Grogan number 1 in 'Top 10 Most Innovative Junior Lawyers in the UK'

Posted on 18 May 2020

Tom Grogan, Associate in the Corporate team and Co-Lead of our Blockchain Group, has been ranked number 1 in The Legal Technologist's 'Top 10 Most Innovative Junior Lawyers in the UK'.

The Legal Technologist ranking was launched to highlight a selection of talented junior lawyers who have shown they are champions of tech internally and/or with clients, driving innovation and technological change within their organisation.

The final ranking was narrowed down to just 10 from hundreds of nominations across the UK to showcase the strength and innovation of these chosen lawyers.

Tom leads a number of emerging technology initiatives within the firm, including co-leading the dedicated Blockchain Group. He is currently leading a team providing sophisticated regulatory advice to a number of national governments relating to their technology-based responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and regularly speaks on the topic of emerging technologies, law and regulation.

Speaking about his interest tech and innovation, Tom says, "I've always had an interest in technology – from gaming as a child through playing with a Raspberry Pi and introducing myself to coding at university. I naturally gravitated towards technology-focussed transactions when I first joined Mishcon in 2017. Increasingly, I found myself working on matters which were more technical in nature, and I began to take a lead. I love working with forward-thinking, innovative clients to create new business models and reinvent their processes, all the while ensuring legal and regulatory compliance by design."

Congratulations to Tom and to all who were ranked.

For more information and to view the full ranking, visit the May issue of The Legal Technologist.

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