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Case Study – Sector-specific data protection guidance

Posted on 23 November 2020

Our client was engaging with a newly acquired business office in a jurisdiction known for its keen regulation of data protection in certain sectors. The new office was raising significant concerns about the integration of the jurisdiction’s systems into the wider business; there were concerns that regulations and the regular practices of the jurisdiction might prevent this from proceeding, and the client wished to know how other businesses in their sector had addressed this issue.

Our consultants reached out to industry contacts in the jurisdiction in question to assemble a view of good practice within the industry while maintaining the confidentiality of both our client and those who were willing to informally comment on their data protection practices and views on regulations.

Upon completion of the interviews, our consultant reported back to the client with what had been a consistent view of working practices and regulatory interpretations amongst the contacts interviewed. The client was left with a clear understanding of the activities its competitors were undertaking, and was able to position its internal services with the knowledge that it was meeting industry good practices.

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