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Antonia Felix features on Sheerluxe: Guide To Co-Parenting Amicably

Posted on 24 January 2022

Antonia Felix, partner in Mishcon de Reya’s Family team and Education group, has published an article in Sheerluxe, an online lifestyle magazine featuring news and views on the latest in lifestyle, wellness, culture, and fashion.

The article Q&A considers the situation following the end of a marriage or long-term relationship, where a child or children are involved. Antonia answers key questions and gives advice on healthy co-parenting strategies, and how to implement them once the relationship has ended.

“Co-parenting is about co-operative parenting where parents of a child who are no longer married, cohabiting or in a romantic relationship work together to make key decisions about the child's welfare, as well as being a united front so the child feels supported,” Antonia explains.

Among other questions, Antonia outlines the mistakes parents can avoid making in advance of arranging a co-parenting set up; emphasises that parents should think of their own wellbeing; explains how to deal with an ex-spouse’s new partner; and how to approach a dispute in the Courts, should a disagreement arise.

To read the full article, click here.

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