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Antonia Felix and Emma Willing discuss state primary schools applications

Posted on 12 January 2022

Partners Antonia Felix and Emma Willing from Mishcon de Reya’s Family and Education departments featured in parenting magazine ABC, explaining how to best approach choosing the right school for your child in advance of the annual application process, and resolve any potential conflicts which may arise.

Highlighting the importance for parents of choosing a child’s school, the article also considers the situation from the perspective of separated parents, and how to handle diverging views about the best educational setting for a child. The scope of parental responsibility is discussed, as well as different avenues for dispute settlement and appealing a placement.

They write: “Careful planning and thought is required, including attending school open days, considering up to date Ofsted reports and speaking to other parents. The earlier discussions commence, the sooner any areas of disagreement can be identified.”

Click here to read the full article.

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