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Alexander Rhodes to discuss Business for Purpose at the 2020 Athens Democracy Forum

Posted on 29 September 2020

The 2020 Athens Democracy Forum (ADF) themed "The New Abnormal: Reimagining Democracy" takes place in Athens and online from Wednesday 30 September – Friday 2 October.

As proud legal partner to the ADF, Mishcon de Reya is pleased to support the forum again this year.

Following our joint digital event in August on Building Back Better, Alexander Rhodes, Head of Mishcon Purpose, will speak on the "Business for Purpose" panel session together with Costas Michaelides, Chairman of the National Bank of Greece and Valerie Keller of Imagine. Chaired by Alison Smale, Journalist and former UN Undersecretary General for Global Communications and former Executive Editor of the International Herald Tribune, the speakers will explore what “business for purpose” really means and how businesses can harness the power of purpose for good.  

Operating for the second year under the aegis of the Democracy and Culture Foundation, in association with The New York Times, the Athens Democracy Forum will convene leaders from Government, business, civic society and the non-profit sector to debate - and enact - real solutions to the world’s most pressing issues. The Foundation’s focus on impact is designed to produce the two outcomes of "better governance" and "citizen engagement."

For more information and to register for the event, please click here.

The live streaming will begin on Wednesday, 13:00pm EEST via this link.

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