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UK Government reform hub


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Welcome to the UK Government reform hub: a place to understand and engage with significant legislative and fiscal reform

The current Government began its tenure promising fundamental change. At the Kings Speech in July 2024, 40 bills were presented on topics spanning stability and growth, energy, secure borders, crime, employment, health and national security. However, change is not only effected through primary legislation. It is also achieved through use of existing powers. Here, we examine the big shifts in policy and reform most affecting our clients and their communities.   

We aim to connect you with strategic guidance and insights on leading topics, engage with what they mean for you and when to expect them. You will find legal content and news from our teams of informed lawyers across the firm. We also highlight upcoming events – please do sign up to topics of interest, listen to experts and join the debate.

We are also here should you need help with challenging and shaping law and policy in development. For more information on our work in public law, political disputes and public advocacy see our Politics and Law page. 

Importantly, let us know what you think. Is there a topic which you wish to discuss or would like us to cover? Get in touch to be directed to a member of our team. 

Get in touch

The Autumn Budget

A budget for change? We discuss the detail of the main changes.

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Mishcon Private: Non-Dom's

Ongoing updates and insights to clarify the implications of the upcoming changes for our clients and give our thoughts on what steps they might consider if impacted.

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Employment Rights Bill

Outlining the Employment Rights Bill and providing ongoing updates and insights.

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Planning reform

Learn about the latest planning developments and proposals from our Real Estate team.

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Key dates

  • Autumn Budget/Office for Budget Responsibility - 30 October 2024 

Our latest updates

We will continue to post all of our latest content relating to the UK Government reform hub on this page.


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