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Editor's Note

Posted on 7 December 2020

In this edition of London & the World, we wanted to highlight our partnership with The Economist, sharing a video on the dangers of a world where the expertise of science is seen as contestable, and to note some of the interesting work our colleagues have been doing, in the spheres of data protection, brand management and tax, as well as looking at the role of London as a destination for property investors. Brexit or not, deal or no deal, London is a key player for the world's investors.

We have also been busy these past months getting involved with the Black Justice Project in partnership with Queen Mary University of London, and becoming the first English law firm to hold independent CREST accreditation for our Incident Response services, via MDR Cyber, one of the growing number of non-lawyer businesses within MDR Group. MDR Brand Management, MDRxTech and MDR Mayfair in Singapore also feature as developing businesses which we have been growing or creating during the COVID-19 crisis. And we opened a branch office in Singapore too, and devised our Mandarin name – the more things change, the Eastward development of the world continues.

Despite having been locked down twice, and subject to all manner of COVID-19 restrictions, London remains open for business to investors, traders and to families looking to relocate. English law remains the law of choice for international trade, and the English courts and other dispute resolution centres remain very much open to the world.

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