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Mishcon de Reya sponsors 9th Annual AIDA Europe Conference

Posted on 24 November 2022

Mishcon de Reya was delighted to be the Academic Activity Sponsor at the 9th annual AIDA Europe Conference.

AIDA Europe (Association Internationale de Droit des Assurances or International Insurance Law Association) brings together members across the continent to promote the development of insurance and related law. It also supports young academics and professionals in the insurance industry, through sponsorships to attend conferences and its "Call for Papers" initiative.

Each year, the Editorial Board of the AIDA Europe Research Series on Insurance Law and Regulation invites academics, legal practitioners and policymakers to submit theoretical, empirical and policy-oriented academic papers on a chosen issue in the Insurance industry.  

This year, participants have been invited to submit papers on "The Challenge of Sustainability for Insurance". Submissions should focus on topics related to the impact of sustainability on insurance and reinsurance such as ESG investments, climate change and risk transfer products and insurance for an ageing society.

Selected submissions will be published in the latest book of the AIDA's Europe Research Series on Insurance Law and Regulation focusing on the impact of sustainability on insurance and reinsurance concerning legal, investment, and business aspects of the insurance contract and regulatory matters.

Ralph Fearnhead, Partner in the Insurance Group, said:

"Having won the "Call for Papers" prize many years ago, it is great Mishcon is able to sponsor this fantastic initiative. I would thoroughly encourage any budding young lawyers or academics with an interest in insurance law to get involved with AIDA and enter the next "Call for Papers in 2023."

More information is available here.

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