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James Oldnall featured in the Houthoff Class Action Survey

James Oldnall featured in the Houthoff Class Action Survey

Posted on 7 November 2019

In a recent survey conducted by Houthoff, James Oldnall was one of 35 thought leaders from six European jurisdictions, the United States and Israel, who were interviewed about the future of class actions.

All 35 experts represent the various stakeholders in class action law: claimants' counsel, defence counsel, third party funders, CEOs, general counsel and other professionals of various international companies. In this interview, James discusses the shifting perceptions of group actions in the UK, the different types of claims on the horizon, the role of litigation funding in this space, the interplay between group action regimes in different jurisdictions and his predictions for the future.

The survey is available now and online access can be requested here.

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