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Emma Woolcott - Mishcon de Reya

Emma Woollcott in Tech Monitor on the Online Safety Bill

Posted on 23 March 2022

Emma Woollcott, Partner and Head of the Reputation and Crisis Management team at Mishcon de Reya, has been quoted in an article in Tech Monitor on the Online Safety Bill.

The article examines the financial implications of the latest proposed version of the Bill, which although includes new measures to sanction tech bosses, could cost smaller businesses.

Emma warns that smaller businesses “will need to carry out risk assessments to avoid significant fines and potential criminal penalties,” while the “tech giants” will already be prepared for the changes.

“It appears a range of new criminal offences have been added to the bill, which could find senior managers at such companies criminally liable for destroying evidence, [or] failing to attend or providing false information,” Emma also notes.

The Online Safety Bill aims to protect children from harmful content online, as well as prevent access to illegal content while protecting freedom of speech.

To read the full article, click here.

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