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Covid-related business interruption claim featured in The Caterer

Posted on 4 November 2022

A group action business interruption claim for hospitality businesses insured by Allianz and affected by COVID-19 pandemic has been featured in The Caterer.

The move to pursue a group action follows Mishcon de Reya's successive wins representing hospitality businesses in similar matters, including a 2020 case against insurers Hiscox.

Partners Sonia Campbell and Richard Leedham spoke to The Caterer about the new action on behalf of Allianz policyholders who were refused business interruption claims made due to COVID-19.

"The insurance industry has spent months telling businesses they don't have cover and many policyholders have simply accepted that at face value," said Sonia and Richard.

"It is now clear that many insureds, post the decision in Corbin & King, do have cover in principle under ‘denial of access' clauses, which after the FCA test case, many thought would not respond."

Anyone seeking to join the group action is invited to attend a meeting of policyholders in coming weeks – please email chloe.derrick@mishcon.com to register your interest.

Read more information on The Caterer (subscription required).

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