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cyber cybercrime computer

Over recent years, there have been numerous incidents that have hit the headlines and many more that have not. Today, organisations are principally judged on how they respond to a cyber incident and not the fact that one has occurred. Cyber incidents are not solely technical issues, they are now business problems with business impacts. 

How an organisation responds to an incident can have huge consequences for the long-term impact it creates. Detecting an incident early and responding effectively can control customer impacts, prevent financial losses, minimise reputational damage and reduce overall costs.  

We focus on the overall response to an incident, managing reputation protection and communications, overseeing and implementing technical and forensic response activities, and working with our legal colleagues to manage liabilities or to recover funds. Our incident response services are intelligence-led, enabling us to be smarter about how we respond. By knowing the attacker and their likely behaviours we can make your response more efficient and effective.  

Incident Readiness

Through our incident readiness services we can help your business prepare such that you can respond to any incident with confidence. Conducting incident response effectively is a complex undertaking, and establishing a successful capability requires substantial planning and resources.

As well as helping design the processes needed to respond to incidents, our incident management and threat intelligence experts can work with your teams to identify likely threat vectors and attack scenarios for your organisation. The team can then assist you in preparing for those specific incidents via interactive training sessions. 

A good response plan shouldn't end when an incident is over. A well-developed incident management plan provides support for successful litigation, documentation for audits or reviews, and a place to capture historical knowledge that can feed into risk assessments and improvement the incident response process.

Incident Response

Should you experience a crisis, our incident response support includes all the guidance and expertise necessary to manage your incident and return your organisation to its business as usual state.  

Our response team can help manage the entire breach or we can work alongside your current team to provide specific expertise, such as financial asset recovery and infrastructure takedown. We work within your operational priorities to ensure that your incident is resolved in a manner that suits you and your stakeholders.  

Alongside these roles, our consultants can orchestrate technical and legal activities, working alongside your IT, management, communications and legal teams as necessary.

Our incident management services are aimed squarely at reducing business impact. We have experience of using injunctions to prevent the use of stolen data by persons unknown and have gained disclosure and freezing orders to prevent the movement of stolen funds.



We regularly share our threat intelligence, cyber security research and our views on developments in the sector. If you'd like to receive these from time to time then please provide your information here.


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