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Editor's Note

Posted on 18 October 2018

Editor's Note

Welcome to the autumn edition of Employment Matters, designed to keep you updated on the latest developments in employment law.

Since our last edition, we have welcomed a number of new team members to the Department. David Cummings joins us as a Partner from Allen & Overy, further consolidating the team's experience across all aspects of contentious and non-contentious employment law, encompassing complex litigation, corporate transactions, business restructuring, regulatory investigations and complex HR advisory services. We also welcome new Associates: Matt Robinson, Martha Averley and Suresh Patel.  

In this issue, we look at the government's report on sexual harassment in the workplace, which highlights some bold and important changes, and reflect on the impact some of the proposals could have on employers of different sizes, as well as on the employment tribunal system itself.

Worker status and the gig economy has also been a hotly debated issue, with much discussion over the definition of a 'worker'. Susannah Kintish, an Employment Partner who advised on the widely publicised Pimlico Plumbers Ltd and Mullins v Smith case, gives an overview of the case and the long awaited judgement handed down by the Supreme Court.

Other areas of focus include the role of unconscious bias, the Corporate Governance code and the implications for worker engagement, remuneration and pay reporting and a guest article written by Vikki Massarano, a partner at the specialist pension firm ARC Pensions, highlighting some important changes for employers using master trusts to provide pensions. 

Don't miss: our Employment Update Seminar on 20 November 2018.  We will also be running our popular HR Foundations and Aspiring HR Director series again in 2019.  To register your interest, please click here [link to email pop up that allows them to tick which of the 3].

If you wish to discuss any of the matters raised in this newsletter or have ideas for future issues, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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