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Gavin Margetson contributes to Portland's ninth annual Commercial Courts Report

Posted on 24 May 2021

Gavin Margetson, Partner at Mishcon Singapore, has contributed to Portland's ninth annual Commercial Courts Report. The report analyses judgments from the London Commercial Courts to identify notable trends - including who uses the courts, from where, and why.

Whilst factors like COVID-19 and Brexit have impacted the London Courts and English Judicial system, Gavin notes that Singapore has cemented its position as the leading dispute resolution forum in Asia.

"Overall, the evidence suggests that there is more to Singapore’s new dominance as the preferred Asian dispute resolution hub than the pandemic. The indications are that SIAC, in particular, is well placed to benefit from any further increase in dispute resolution activity as the world economy recovers – as parties have more cash on hand to fight their battles, and more confidence in their future."

To read the full report please click here.

This was originally published by Portland Communications.

Please see our article on "A new era for investments under the Singapore-Indonesia BIT" for other Asian dispute resolution developments.

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